Take My Sunshine by M.E. Glinz

Book 19 of 2023

My Rating: 5 Stars!

Here’s why

What a fitting last read of the year. Loved diving back into this world with these characters, but now in an actual hardcover copy!

I read this book (or one of the first versions of this book) in 2018 and reviewed it back then, too! Now, 5 years later, I can say that I am so proud of how much work and time my sister has put in to craft the very best of this story! So many edits, reviews, cuts, changes, and reworks, but the characters and their beauty have stayed the same; Ben Asan, the history professor but also one of our main protagonists; Devon Camburn, the student and other protagonist; and Allie, our ray of sunshine.

This book covers a multitude of events: first loves, mistakes, regrets, travel, as well as redemption alongside a compelling coming-of-age journey for each of our characters. They all have beautiful growth from start to finish, and when you are finished, you might find yourself struggling to step away – feeling like these characters are more real than fiction.

I am giving this book 5 stars, not only because this is my sister’s life’s work (so far) but because she deserves it. She really has crafted something hauntingly beautiful, that will sit with you for years to come.

Thank you, Maddy, for letting me be one of the first readers, for letting me borrow your first hard copy, and for trusting me to help edit this work of art.

If you haven’t yet, pick up a copy of Take My Sunshine on January 9th, OR pre-order a copy now! You might be so lucky to get a signed edition 🙂

Her Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/m.e.glinz_author?igsh=MWJsaHkyMXFiaG14bw==


My ORIGINAL review from 2018: https://brookeandbinding.wordpress.com/2018/11/25/manuscript-for-m-e-g-sunshine-edition/

Genre: Contemporary Fiction/Romance