Take My Sunshine by M.E. Glinz

Book 19 of 2023

My Rating: 5 Stars!

Here’s why

What a fitting last read of the year. Loved diving back into this world with these characters, but now in an actual hardcover copy!

I read this book (or one of the first versions of this book) in 2018 and reviewed it back then, too! Now, 5 years later, I can say that I am so proud of how much work and time my sister has put in to craft the very best of this story! So many edits, reviews, cuts, changes, and reworks, but the characters and their beauty have stayed the same; Ben Asan, the history professor but also one of our main protagonists; Devon Camburn, the student and other protagonist; and Allie, our ray of sunshine.

This book covers a multitude of events: first loves, mistakes, regrets, travel, as well as redemption alongside a compelling coming-of-age journey for each of our characters. They all have beautiful growth from start to finish, and when you are finished, you might find yourself struggling to step away – feeling like these characters are more real than fiction.

I am giving this book 5 stars, not only because this is my sister’s life’s work (so far) but because she deserves it. She really has crafted something hauntingly beautiful, that will sit with you for years to come.

Thank you, Maddy, for letting me be one of the first readers, for letting me borrow your first hard copy, and for trusting me to help edit this work of art.

If you haven’t yet, pick up a copy of Take My Sunshine on January 9th, OR pre-order a copy now! You might be so lucky to get a signed edition 🙂

Her Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/m.e.glinz_author?igsh=MWJsaHkyMXFiaG14bw==


My ORIGINAL review from 2018: https://brookeandbinding.wordpress.com/2018/11/25/manuscript-for-m-e-g-sunshine-edition/

Genre: Contemporary Fiction/Romance

Happy Place by Emily Henry

Book 18 of 2023

My Rating: 4 Stars

Here’s why!

I have been being more particular about my reads lately since I’ve been so busy, and I’m glad that this one caught my attention on my shelf.

Harriet, Cleo, and Sabrina have been best friends since college and their friend group has expanded over the years. Now a group of six, they meet up every year at Sabrina’s family summer cottage in Maine for Lobster Fest. This year, though, things are a little more – tense. Everyone has a lot going on in their own personal lives, and one of the couples aren’t even together anymore. How will this week go and will amends be made?


I think I have enjoyed majority of Emily Henry’s novels, but this one might be up there for me as one of my favorites!

This book took a different approach to the “friends-lovers“ or “enemy-lovers” tropes by combining them! This was a unique and fun way to look at a relationship, but it also got a little frustrating at times because I just wanted to know what happened to draw them a part. The book is set up so some chapters are in the present and some are flashbacks so seeing the couple fall in love to then seeing their current interactions was so confusing! It does get resolved and explained in the end, but honestly, one of the reasons I had to knock it a star was because I didn’t think the reason for their distance/spat was the best.

I am giving this book 4 stars because I enjoyed the writing, the characters, their interactions, and the overall feel of the book. It is very relatable especially as someone who is almost 30 and still has college/high school friends. I think everyone has gone thorough something where it feels like you are trying to hold onto relationships, but maybe they don’t work out – or maybe they do! We all are growing individually, but it’s beautiful to have friendships you can grow with, too. Whether you are doing life together on a daily basis, or for a trip once a year like the characters, having people in your life that know you and known you through different seasons/stages is so special and important.

If you have read Emily Henry before, definitely add her newest addition to your list! If not, check out my other reviews for my thoughts on her other reads 🙂


Beach Read review: https://brookeandbinding.wordpress.com/2020/06/12/beach-read-by-emily-henry/

People We Meet On Vacation review: https://brookeandbinding.wordpress.com/2021/08/02/people-we-meet-on-vacation-by-emily-henry/

Book Lovers review: https://brookeandbinding.wordpress.com/2022/06/23/book-lovers-by-emily-henry/

Genre: Romance/Chick Lit/Fiction/Contemporary

Lessons in Chemistry by Bonnie Garmus

Book 17 of 2023

My Rating: 5 Stars

Here’s why!

My sister absolutely loved and devoured this book. In my busy life, I don’t have as much free time as I used to so when I jokingly asked her to make me a list of the top TBR books that she would recommend, this was her number one choice. I finally got some downtime, so I picked it up, read it right away, and it really was great.

Elizabeth Zott is a chemist. Working on her research on abiogenesis, she runs into a very famous chemist named Calvin Evans, at the same research institute. He has been known to hold grudges and be a little bit of a downer, but the more chance interactions they have, the more Elizabeth sees Calvin in a new way. They have so many similarities and get along in a way she has never experienced with another person before. However, blow after blow, Elizabeth finds herself not working at the Institute anymore, but is now a TV show host. She combines cooking and the chemistry, something the TV producers don’t understand but her audience loves, and becomes an inspiration to the nation.


This book won Book of the Year by Barnes and Noble in 2022 as well as Goodreads Book Choice awards and I can see why.

Elizabeth Zott is a very down to earth, intelligent, straight-shooter type of woman who see potential in everything around her – whether that be in her fellow colleagues, her audience, or even her dog. She brings out the best in people by calling out the best, “seeing the gold” in them and encouraging them to be who they are to the fullest extent. No limitations are allowed when Elizabeth Zott is around.

I am giving this book 5 stars because honestly, I can’t deduct a star for anything. I wouldn’t say I am in LOVE with it, but I can’t mark it down either. This book is just so well written, captivating, enticing, and easy to read. All in all, I can see why it won so many awards and appeals to a wide variety of readers.

If you have seen this cover on the shelves and wondering if it is worth the read, I would definitely recommend picking it up and giving it a chance! 🙂


Genre: Fiction/Historical Fiction/Contemporary

Zero Days by Ruth Ware

Book 16 of 2023

My Rating: 4.5 Stars

Here’s why

I am an avid Ruth Ware reader no matter what, so of course, when her newest release came out, I had to get my hands on it.

Jacintha “Jack” Cross and her husband, Gabe, are pen testers. They are hired to break into businesses to see just how secure their buildings and information is from any intruders, and report back just how easy or difficult it was. On a routine job, Jack finds herself arrested (which isn’t uncommon for someone “breaking and entering”), but by the time she gets home, something is wrong. Gabe is dead and the police are closing in on a suspect – her. Now Jack must use her skills to outsmart whoever has done this and keep herself from being arrested before she can discover the truth. Who killed Gabe and why? What do they have to gain by framing her?


This was such a unique storyline for Ruth to write. She is very well known for her thrillers, and although this one definitely was, it was a different type. More focused on espionage/crime, it felt like I was reading a mixture of a thriller and “heist” but not. Like a caper story. Sneaking in, breaking codes, disguises, etc. I was here for it! Two of my favorite worlds combining into a unique plot that had me guessing the whole time.

I am giving this book 4.5 Stars because it is such a great, solid, worth-while read. There were twists I did see coming (hence the 0.5 reduction), but some I did not. I was on my toes, flipping page after page, trying to figure out what was going to happen to Jack and how it was all going to resolve. Something happens earlier on in the story that slowing begins to impact Jack more and more to the point where I wasn’t sure how she could go on with her investigation. It was that intense! I loved how everything resolved and the little happy twist in the end, too, so this book ticked a lot of “favorite boxes” for me.

If you have not read Ruth Ware before, I would HIGHLY recommend! I will link my reviews to her other reads (it’s not all of them, but most!) and honestly, you can’t really go wrong – just see which one sounds the most interesting to you and go for it!


The Death of Mrs. Westaway review: https://brookeandbinding.wordpress.com/2018/06/11/the-death-of-mrs-westaway-by-ruth-ware/

The Turn of the Key review: https://brookeandbinding.wordpress.com/2019/09/03/the-turn-of-the-key-by-ruth-ware/

One by One review: https://brookeandbinding.wordpress.com/2020/10/01/one-by-one-by-ruth-ware/

The It Girl review: https://brookeandbinding.wordpress.com/2022/09/30/the-it-girl-by-ruth-ware/

Genre: Thriller/Suspense/Mystery/Crime/Heist/Espionage

The Many Lives of Mama Love by Lara Love Hardin

Book 15 of 2023

My Rating: 4.5 Stars

Here’s why

I got this novel as my BOTM selection for August 2023 and am so glad I did!

Lara “Mama Love” Hardin was arrested and sent to jail for identify theft and drugs, but a year before was a regular suburban mom. How did her life change so drastically in such a short amount of time and how did she ever get her life back? In her words, this New York Times bestselling author shares her story for the first time, shining light into the corrupt system she got to experience, but also the growth and perseverance she had to get her life back.


I was super intrigued by this book from the get go. With her first line talking about being addicted to reading, I knew exactly what she meant, but I didn’t realize where she was going to take it.

I love reading memoirs and knowing this person has willingly decided to share something – usually very personal and unique/vulnerable – always feels like a privilege. Lara has gone through so much in her life and I know many people can relate to – maybe not every element – but many parts of her story.

I am giving this book 4.5 Stars because it was very interesting, heart-wrenching, heart-warming, and overall hopeful read. I feel like I learned something in the process, which always means the read will be long-lasting.

I defiantly would recommend Lara’s memoir and I am intrigued to go back and read some of the other work she has done, too!


Genre: Memoir/Crime/True Crime/Autobiography

The Only One Left by Riley Sager

Book 14 of 2023

My Rating: 3.5 Stars

Here’s why

I am no stranger to Riley Sager. I have read every single one of his books, and am now to the point where I only have to see he has a new release to know I am going to read it regardless of what it is about.

“At seventeen, Lenora hope hung her sister with a rope…” This backyard playground rhyme is well known in the little Maine costal town where Kit grew up. The Hope family were local and when she was little, thought the tragedy had occurred a long time ago; but what she doesn’t know is Lenora is still alive – and is Kit’s newest patient as a caregiver. Now suffering the effects of polio and a stroke, Lenora is an elderly woman who can only move her left hand. She can’t hurt anyone anymore, even if she is guilty – right? Then what are the sounds Kit hears in Lenora’s room at night? And what happened to her predecessor?


This book was a whirlwind!

I was hooked from page one and the first half of the book flew by – I think I read it in a day! But then, my sister, Maddy, and I were able to read the second half of the book together, which I am glad we did! I could not wrap my head about all the little details that Sager was unwinding and connecting. Usually I am pretty good at tracking with what goes on, but (and I never thought I would say this) there were TOO MANY TWISTS. *gasp!*

I am giving this book 3.5 stars because I did enjoy it, but I did guess a lot of the twists (I just didn’t think he would try to encompass all of them! Haha) No matter what Sager writes, though, I almost always enjoy the characters, the overall plot, and enjoy the experience of reading his writing. His last novel, The House Across the Lake was A+, top notch, one of my favorites in so many ways, and I feel like he decided to just throw everything – including the kitchen sink – into this novel to try and top his previous one. If he had stuck to 1-2 (maybe 3) twists, I would’ve been fine! But there were 4, 5, 6 and I was having a hard time justifying them all, too.

If you have not read Riley Sager, PLEASE check out my links for my reviews of his previous novels. I will list them in order of their release, but check out my star ratings as well to know which ones I enjoyed more than others!


Final Girls is his FIRST novel, but I do not have a review for it! (But I gave it 5 stars!)

The Last Time I Lied review: https://brookeandbinding.wordpress.com/2018/07/15/the-last-time-i-lied-by-riley-sager/

Lock Every Door review: https://brookeandbinding.wordpress.com/2019/08/06/lock-every-door-by-riley-sager/

Home Before Dark review: https://brookeandbinding.wordpress.com/2020/06/17/home-before-dark-by-riley-sager/

Survive the Night review: https://brookeandbinding.wordpress.com/2022/07/09/survive-the-night-by-riley-sager/

The House Across the Lake review: https://brookeandbinding.wordpress.com/2022/07/09/the-house-across-the-lake-by-riley-sager/

Genre: Thriller/Suspense/Mystery/Horror

Beyond the Wand: The Magic and Mayhem of Growing Up a Wizard by Tom Felton

Book 13 of 2023

My Rating: 4.5 Stars

Here’s why

This was my first ever audiobook and I really enjoyed it! I love the wizarding world and it was fun to get to know Tom better, and not just Draco.

Tom Felton has been acting since he was young: starting in some commercials, a movie called The Borrowers, and eventually landing a role as Draco Malfoy in The Harry Potter series. Little did he know how that role would change his life forever – he hadn’t even read the books when he auditioned. Now, in his early 30’s, Tom reflects on his life and the journey he has gone through with his family, friends, career, and bouts of alcoholism/depression. Through this life story, Tom takes us along for the ride as we meet his family, friends, and the people who he has worked with and done life with who have shaped him into the man he is today. A very open, thoughtful, caring, and hilarious read that really shows how down to earth this big star truly is.


My sister recommended this read to my husband and I read/listen to the book because Tom himself is the narrator and she said she really enjoyed listening to him talk/read/tell these stories in his own voice. And I definitely agree it was very cool and made him come to life in a new way.

I have never been a massive Draco/Tom fan like my sister, who has writen an entire fan fiction for Dramione (Draco and Hermione) *sorry to out ya sis ;)* but I thought it would be interesting to get to know him a little more. He had a very unique perspective on the HP world, actors, and how it didn’t seem to affect him nearly as strongly as the main trio in their everyday lives. He talks a lot about his life in general and tells funny – and serious – stories openly and honestly, not shying away from a moment of rebellion or if he got in trouble on set!

I am giving this book 4.5 Stars because it took me by surprise how much I enjoyed it as well as how detailed he told his story. He really laid out a full birth-now journey, not just about being a “wizard.” I feel like I have a better appreciation for him now than I had before, and can see him in a new way. I am docking 0.5 stars because the audio was not mixed which bothered me, but again, hearing him tell his own stories (adding a chuckle or sigh here or there remembering the story/moment he was recounting) was the addition that made him come more to life and seem like a regular human than if someone else was reading the stories for him.

If you had read this book, or have other audio book autobiographies you think I would enjoy, leave your suggestions in the comments below!


Genre: Autobiography/Memoir/Harry Potter

How to Sell a Haunted House by Grady Hendrix

Book 12 of 2023

My Rating: 3.5 Stars

Here’s why

This is my third Grady Hendrix novel and I was just as freaked out with this story as I have been with his other two!

Louise’s parents have passed away suddenly in a car accident. Flying across the country from San Francisco to Charleston, and having to leave her daughter, Poppy, behind for two weeks to take care of their funeral, will, and house is not something she is ready to deal with.On top of that, she also has to confront and try to control with her younger brother, Mark, who has been a trouble spot for their family for years. But Mark is not the only thing she will have to face – there’s something else their parents left in the house besides their belongings, and it’s not something to underestimate.


I had no idea what all this book was going to entail before buying and reading it. I have begun to trust Grady Hendrix as an author and usually when an author reaches that level for me, I automatically assume I will own/read their new releases regardless.

This book had an element in it I was not expecting and if I had known it was involved, I might have thought twice about picking it up. This type of story truly gives me the creeps! I tried to avoid reading the book at nighttime because I was so freaked out! It has a few classic horror story/haunted house tropes, but took it to another level. The characters progressively got more complex and felt more realistic, which was enjoyable, since they each are painted a specific way in the beginning on the story. But although this book is about Louise, Mark, and their family, it is also…about Pupkin. (And I‘ll leave it at that.)

I am giving this book 3.5 Stars because it was a solid read. Again, I liked the characters, their development, and the storyline overall, but the main “creep” factor was hard for me to wrap my head around. I can handle horror and haunted things, but this specific element was challenging! I read the first half over the course of a week, but read the second half in one night, so it definitely captured my attention once the characters had a game plan as to try and address the “haunting” at the house. It had twists, turns, and went places I was not expecting AT ALL, which was fun!

If you have not read Grady Hendrix, I would recommend him writing 100%. But I will warn you, if you are reading one of his stories something pretty crazy/unrealistic happens, believe me: in his world, everything is true.


The Southern Book Club’s Guide to Slaying Vampires review: https://brookeandbinding.wordpress.com/2020/08/31/the-southern-book-clubs-guide-to-slaying-vampires-by-grady-hendrix/

The Final Girl Support Group review: https://brookeandbinding.wordpress.com/2021/09/04/the-final-girl-support-group-by-grady-hendrix/

Genre: Horror/Thriller/Suspense/Mystery/Paranormal/Supernatural/Adult Fiction

The Half Moon by Mary Beth Keane

Book 11 of 2023

My Rating: 4 Stars

Here’s why

I really enjoyed Ask Again, Yes by Mary Beth Keane and before I even knew she had written The Half Moon, I thought it sounded interesting!

Malcom is the proud owner of the bar The Half Moon in a small town named Gillam, while his wife, Jess, works as a lawyer in the city. They have known this area their whole lives, which brings benefits and drawbacks from everyone knowing everything about everyone in such a small community. Through their own personal struggles as well as some big setbacks in their marriage, Malcom and Jess are at a turning point. And when a massive winter storm hits, the entire town stands still – trying to recover from the storm, but also giving a “pause” in their day-to-day to reevaluate what they really want and the trajectory of their lives overall.


This was my May 2023 Book of the Month selection.

I feel like Mary Beth Keane does something that not a lot of authors do nowadays which is dive deep into character’s lives and not really make the plot the main driving force. The way this story is crafted is non-linear and jumps perspectives throughout a chapter, but somehow it works. Not a lot of authors can do this – and do it successfully – but she can!

I am giving this book 4 Stars because it is a short book but a long read for me because there is a lot of inner dialogue/description and not a ton of conversation so you really do need to read every word/sentence to stay with the flow of the character’s thought process. Also, with the jumping of memories, perspectives, etc. in the span of a page, you don’t want to miss a thing or you will be lost. Although it took me WAAAY to long to finish, I did enjoy it a lot. I started to feel for the characters and understand the nuance of their interactions. There were some plot elements that didn’t feel necessary, but like I said previously, Keane’s main draw isn’t how action-packed her storyline is, but what is happening to the characters and their processes.

If you have not read Ask Again, Yes, I would also recommend that read as well from her. All in all, 2/2 for me for Keane and I will continue to look for her next works and trust they will be just as well-crafted.


Ask Again, Yes review: https://brookeandbinding.wordpress.com/2020/03/03/ask-again-yes-by-mary-beth-keane/

Genre: Contemporary/Fiction/Drama

The Soulmate by Sally Hepworth

Book 10 of 2023

My Rating: 3.5 Stars

Here’s why

This was my March 2023 Book of the Month selection and I am glad I grabbed it.

Pippa and Gabe live by The Drop, a known location for people to jump off the cliff and end their lives; however, Gabe has saved quite a few lives and has even become a local hero. One night, they noticed another figure out by the cliffs and Gabe is to the rescue, but this time the ending does not go quite as planned. Through a series of past and present timelines along with the perspective of two different women involved, this book will keep you flipping pages until the very end.


I have not read Sally Hepworth before, but I am familiar with some of her other book covers and titles.

This book intrigued me from the beginning and was a very fast read. I picked it up to try and see which book I should read next, and next thing you know I am 20 pages in. The writing is very fast, easy to digest, and as the story unfolds the characters become more and more complex.

I am giving this book 3.5 stars because it was very easy to read, had quite a few twists, and for the most part was easy to follow along. I do wish Some of the twists were more twisty, but I did enjoy seeing how everything played out. Maybe I was hoping for higher stakes to take it to a higher rating? Also, one of the characters in particular started to become the focal point of the storyline which took me by surprise, and their story got fairly complex as well, which wasn’t necessarily bad but I was not anticipating.

All in all it was a very solid read, and I did enjoy picking up a fast paced thriller/suspenseful novel that I was not able to put down!


Genre: Thriller/Suspense/Mystery/Crime